MIT Sea Grant logo stacked
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Public Comments Sought for MIT Sea Grant Review

Deadline: October 11, 2024 MIT Sea Grant will be reviewed on October 22-24, 2024 by a team convened by the National Sea Grant College Program. The review will be conducted on campus at MIT Sea Grant and will consider all aspects of MIT…
MA Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellows Neida Villanueva Galarza and Bridgett Hunt
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Massachusetts Sea Grant Fellows Focus in on Blue Crabs and Coastal Jellyfish

MIT Sea Grant and WHOI Sea Grant jointly announce two new Massachusetts Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellows In 2021, MIT Sea Grant and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Sea Grant announced a new fellowship program to support…
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Interagency Working Group on Ocean and Coastal Mapping Visits MIT Sea Grant

By Avery Plachcinski (Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab) >>See the story via J-WAFS On July 11, 2024, the Interagency Working Group on Ocean and Coastal Mapping visited MIT Sea Grant for an overview of the program’s…
Unyime Usua and Santiago Borrego stand in front of MIT Sea Grant
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Two Students Win 2024 Dean A. Horn Award

Unyime Usua and Santiago Borrego win 2024 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research MIT Sea Grant is happy to announce the winners of the 2024 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research. This year’s…
River herring migrating up a river (Photo: Tim Briggs)
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River Herring Machine Learning Monitoring Systems

MIT Sea Grant Assistant Director, Advisory Services Robert Vincent and a team from the Institute for Experiential Robotics at Northeastern University – Anuj Shrivatsav Srikanth, Saicharan Thirandas, Dhanush Adithya Balamuguran, Anurag…
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Four MIT Sea Grant Students Place in MIT MechE De Florez Award Competition

The MIT Mechanical Engineering De Florez Award Competition honors students demonstrating "Outstanding Ingenuity and Creative Judgment" in areas that utilize mechanical engineering knowledge or practice. Four MIT Sea Grant UROP (Undergraduate…
Cover of special Sea Grant issue of Oceanography
MIT Sea Grant students Santiago Borrego and Unyime Usua hold oyster shells.
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Advancing technology for aquaculture: MIT Sea Grant students apply machine learning to support local aquaculture hatchery

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, aquaculture in the United States represents a $1.5 billion industry annually. Like land-based farming, shellfish aquaculture requires healthy seed production in order to maintain…
Aristide Gumyusenge headshot
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Welcoming MIT Assistant Professor Aristide Gumyusenge as 2024 Doherty Professor in Ocean Utilization

MIT Sea Grant welcomes MIT Assistant Professor Aristide Gumyusenge from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE) as a 2024 Doherty Professor in Ocean Utilization. Assistant Professor Gumyusenge was nominated by MIT DMSE…
The view down Island End River, which marks the boundary between Chelsea and Everett.
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Coastal Resilience Efforts Cross City Lines at Island End River in Chelsea and Everett (Bay State Banner)

Avery Bleichfeld (Bay State Banner) As a low-lying coastal city, Boston is at heightened risk for coastal flooding. To examine the challenges and opportunities of coastal resilience efforts, the Banner is digging into three sites along…