Gaining a Clearer Understanding of Ocean Acidification in the Northeast

Challenging conditions for familiar species like lobsters and scallops loom by mid-century

By mid-century, the Northeast is expected to experience significant changes in climate, on land and in the region’s waters. Leaders from across New England and the Canadian Maritime Provinces teamed up with experts to compile a report containing the most complete and up-to-date information on the Gulf of Maine, that is also filled with actionable solutions to increase resiliency in the coming decades – all with hopes of inspiring quick action. Details can be found in he Gulf of Maine 2050 Climate Outlook and Action report.

>> Read the full article (Elaina Hancock, UConn Communications)

MIT Sea Grant Research Scientist Carolina Bastidas contributed to this report with a team from across New England and the Canadian Maritime Provinces, including UConn Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Sciences Samantha Siedlecki, and Deputy Director of the NOAA Ocean Acidification Program, Dwight Gledhill.

SA Siedlecki, J Salisbury, DK Gledhill, C Bastidas, S Meseck, K McGarry, CW Hunt, M Alexander, D Lavoie, ZA Wang, J Scott, DC Brady, I Mlsna, K Azetsu-Scott, CM Liberti, DC Melrose, MM White, A Pershing, D Vandemark, DW Townsend, C Chen, W Mook, R Morrison; Projecting ocean acidification impacts for the Gulf of Maine to 2050: New tools and expectations. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 21 January 2021; 9 (1): 00062. doi: